‘Here To Help’ features a video designed to give our customers the confidence to engage sooner. Speaking about your money problems earlier than many currently do, always results in a better outcome. We want to reassure our customers, that as an industry leader, we are trustworthy.
Ethical Treatment
In both 2019 and 2016, CCICM won the UK CSA Collector Accreditation Initiative Award for the quality of our staff and training. It shows that fair and ethical treatment of customers is among our key objectives, and we are on track to become a beacon of best practice within the industry.
CSA’s video is fronted by Brad Burton, one of the UK’s top motivational speakers, who was once £25,000 in debt. Brad interviews real-life customers of debt collection companies, as well as industry experts, to deliver a reassuring message that early-contact will always result in a better outcome.
‘Online Experts’
The video also warns against the risks of using the internet and so called ‘online experts’ when it comes to getting money advice.
It educates and raises the viewer’s awareness of the work of the debt collection industry including the CSA itself.
To view a short video excerpt, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXodJvR9srY&feature=youtu.be
To view the full video, visit https://www.ccicm.com/helpandadvice/?preview_id=959&preview_nonce=a0a195eda3&preview=true#toggle-id-4