Debt Collection Korea Attorney at Law, Howon Lee, receives a gift of local Welsh salt from ICE Operations Manager Hannah Barratt
Korean Guest Speaker
Among the delegates, and a guest speaker, is new ICE Member Mr Howon Lee, the Attorney at Law of leading Korean legal group Debt Collection Korea (DCK). He visited CCICM’s HQ to discover more about how ICE operates while on a recent business trip to the UK.
Founded in 2014, from its office in Seoul, DCK provides many international debt collection services – with optimized remedies to maximize recovery ratios – and litigation in South Korea.
Relaxing Social Networking
Networking opportunities also include some social activities. Mr Hackman says: “Our traditional get-together in world capitals provides the perfect opportunity to communicate more meaningfully, build working relationships, and develop mutual trust over time.
“Our relaxing activities this year include visits to cultural attractions such as private tours of the world-renowned Van Gogh Museum and by boat of the City’s Canals, as well as dining at leading restaurants.”
Mr Hackman says his vision for ICE is to grow the business, largely through recruiting new agents and improved Marketing, Communications and Sales collaboration, over the next five years.
Seeking New Members & Agents
ICE is continually seeking debt collection agencies and/or law firms from a variety of other countries to join its network of market-leading Overseas Agents, or from its existing network to upgrade to become an ICE Partnership Member.
If you are interested in discovering more, please contact ICE Operations Manager Hannah Barratt.