Tom’s 20th anniversary
Directors and staff at CCICM organised a secret party and presentation for a colleague to celebrate his 20th anniversary with the world’s leading debt recovery agency!
26th September 2018
Directors and staff at CCICM organised a secret party and presentation for a colleague to celebrate his 20th anniversary with the world’s leading debt recovery agency!
26th September 2018
Tom enjoying his maiden kayak ‘sea trials’ voyage near head office off the Snowdonia coast
Completely unaware of his colleagues’ surreptitious arrangements and kept occupied cooking curry while everyone gathered for a supposed ‘staff social’, Tom says he was “stitched-up like a kipper” for the six weeks before!
At the head office party – attended by three of five Hackman family founding-members – everyone enjoyed food, drinks, a senior manager’s thank-you speech to Tom, and the presentation to him of an anniversary card, specially-decorated cake, and brand-new touring kayak.
Tom, who started as a debt collector based at the Hackman family home and has become CCICM’s healthcare sector expert, says: “I’d like to say a huge thank-you to everyone involved in arranging my surprise party, those who attended, and especially Carl, Paul, Craig, Colin and Margaret Hackman.
“I didn’t have a clue the party was for me and, when the presentation started, I was speechless – a rare occurrence I know! I really appreciate the undercover research that went into selecting my kayak and I’ve been out on it a few times so far. I look forward to lots of future adventures.”
Tom adds: “I don’t quite know where the last 20 years have gone, but it’s been a great journey seeing CCICM develop from the small company I joined to the global agency it is today.”
On behalf of two directors, Carl and Paul Hackman who were away on holidays, senior CCICM Sales Manager Keith Allmark gave a short speech, acknowledging Tom’s contribution.
Keith said: “All of us are aware of the importance of Tom’s contribution to our client care and the healthcare sector. Tom has been at the forefront of our medical clients’ requirements with his unsurpassed knowledge over the last 20 years.
“Our directors wish to emphasise their gratitude and appreciation of his loyalty, knowledge and passion for the NHS/private healthcare sector. He is a major contributor to, and liaison point for, our NHS clients, and his experience and expertise is second-to-none within CCICM. This enables us to be successful when we are asked to tender for a medical contract,” Keith added.
Party organiser, social committee chair, and CCICM Marketing & Communications Manager Ian Spindley then gave Tom his card, cake, and green touring kayak, while everyone toasted Tom’s achievement.
Ian says: “The directors, managers and social committee thank everyone in CCICM for helping to celebrate with Tom. Such a party is typical of this company’s culture – local, caring and fun yet thoroughly professional in its global financial business!”
Complex commercial and consumer disputes can often be resolved by CCICM’s highly-trained team of skilled negotiators, such as Tom, using sophisticated strategies.
CCICM is the undisputed market leader in health and social care collections, with 80% of UK NHS trusts, health boards, and private hospitals as its clients.
In 2018, the NHS Information Governance (IG) programme re-certified CCICM as the only debt collection agency since 2015 to be lawfully entitled to handle NHS patient data. This IG programme is designed to preserve the integrity of patient data and medical records and was created to enable the NHS to share data with suppliers.
CCICM colleagues with Tom Dutton seated in his new kayak
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